Your Next Steps
New Equipment Sales And Engineering
When it comes new equipment purchases, Power And Energy Services has all you need. We have all of the best brands, awesome prices, technical support, engineering support, and the list goes on. Maybe this is why our customers always report 100% satisfaction. To further that, when customers have bought from other vendors, countless times they get frustrated and feed up with them and they call us to handle their issues. Dealing with us from the start has proved to be beneficial in getting your equipment sale or project completed right.
Reasons you WIN working with us:
1. Price - Project after project, and sale after sale, we continue to achieve record sales and our prices help drive this. As distributers and representatives of the manufacturers there is no middle man, just straight from the factory to you.
2. Price Matching - If you receive a proposal on a comparable product, provide the documentation to us, and our proposal analysts will do everything to see if we can meet or beat any proposal.
3. Selection - Since so many manufacturers want us to sell their products, we have an arsenal of equipment that can be quoted to best suite your needs.
4. Engineering Assistance - If you need help choosing the right product for the project or the right size or any other little thing that can make or break the project, we help ensure the sale is a success.
5. Installation or Installation Assistance - We install everything we sell. If you are coordinating the installation then we are always here to assist. This knowledge means nothing but success when you buy from us.
6. After Sale Support - As you scroll through our website you have surly seen all of the ways we support and service different types of equipment. This is always just a phone call away.
7. Add-ons - When buying your new equipment it's the perfect time to figure into the price the cost for items such as a one year or multiyear maintenance plan, remote monitoring, and so much more.
8. Delivery & Unloading - When equipment is bought it usually comes on a truck and left up to you to figure out the correct methods, equipment, and personnel needed to unload it. We offer unloading or special delivery assistance no matter how simple or complex the need. No phone calls to multiple people and vendors to figure it out. We can take care of all of this for you.
9. You're Not The Prey - We don't have salesmen just lurking around waiting for the next sales call. It's crazy how some other vendors treat potential customers, and the atmosphere at those places is horrible. We are so simple to work with. You have a need, we have a solution, and we let you dictate the outcome. We are not going to call or email you 20 times after you get our proposal to see if we got the project. That's just foolish and signs of desperation. You don't need that. We don't waste our time chasing you down every day to see if we got the project, we spend our time making sure all of your questions are answered through the proposal process and then carrying out the work.
10. In It For The Long Haul - We have been doing this for a while. We know the market and more importantly we know the products extremely well. We are always here to provide all the necessary support and assistance you will ever need.
11. Bid Specification Alternatives - If there is a bid spec for a specific product and brand we can supply that product. Alternatively to help our contractors win bids, we can identify, match, and beat most specifications with other world class, industry leading manufacturers and equipment. Some specifying engineers have one or two brands that they favor or are close to, so we also help with product acceptance requests to help further our contractors competitive bid winning chances.
After review of our tremendous product offering, we are sure you will find Power And Energy Services should be one of if not the only choices in supplying your equipment needs. When you are ready to begin the quote process, just call, email, or contact us. When you tell us what your needs are you will be connected with one of product specialist and they will handle your request.
Multi-Industry Leading Sales Engineering Divisions
